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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hailing frequencies open!

Welcome to Warp Ten! Some of the more educated among you will surely recognize my namesake as the transwarp threshold. The rest of you probably either...a) brain exploded b) navigated away from this blog upon hearing a Star Trek reference or c) actually followed the link to find out what the hell I'm talking about. For those of you still reading and consciously understanding what I'm saying to you, bear with me. I should be sleeping right now, but instead I'm creating a blog...

I'll be known as Darth Fail on this site (OK, those of you who caught that reference really need to find a hobby) though I may develop other names once people start reading my blog (ranging from the "D.F. Man" to "***hole" depending on whether people like it...or not). But now that introductions are out of the way, and assuming anyone is still left enduring my rantings, you're probably wondering what the point of this blog is. With so many (albeit pretty random and obscure) references to Star Trek, it appears I've just created another site dedicated to the King of all Geekdom, the phaser-totin' red-shirt-killin' sci-fi T.V. show which no one cares about. Nope! Star Trek was only my inspiration! I blog about whatever interests me, which is to say stuff most of the world doesn't care about: D&D, the Cthulhu Mythos, ME, and other totally dorky, geeky stuff. (I know you were thinking about pressing the "back" button just now!)

Standby for (hopefully) many more transmissions! This is Darth Fail signing off. (And saying good night. Time to go get about three hours of sleep.)

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